
Get Paid To Learn Code Online

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Are you a programmer trying to make money online? Well congrats! You've clicked the right link. Keep scrolling for 16 ways to get paid to code online.

How to Make Money Programming

If you're a programming geek and not making any money online, you are missing out BIG. Anyone (read: you) that's familiar with languages such as C++, HTML, Python, NET, Java, and PHP, can get paid to code online.

This means you can finally combine your love of programming with your love of cold hard cash.

Pretty gnarly, right?

Technology is only becoming more and more a part of everyday life. I mean, even my grandma knows what TikTok is. This means the value of programming skills is only increasing, too.

And the best part about all this is that sweet thing we call the World Wide Web has opened up new possibilities for programmers to find work. You don't have to go into the office anymore to find programming work.

There are many incredible ways to make money online with programming skills.

(And it's even possible for you to get paid to learn code online…but more on that in a bit.)

If you learn various coding languages and programs, then you can offer your skills online and start generating cash fast.

The key is that you need to learn and know the latest code to appeal to your clients. By doing that, you can charge more for your services.

I recommend CodeAcademy to stay up-to-date with code and programming languages. You'll get 50% off an annual membership.

That's the beauty of it too. If you have no idea how to code but want to learn to make money. Use CodeAcademy to get started.


CodeAcademy Offer:

50% OFF Annual Plan

CodeAcademy is one of the top ways to improve and learn better coding. You learn from top professionals in the industry. Staying up-to date on the latest trends in code and programming means you can charge your clients more. Join for 50% off. GET 50% OFF

List of Proven Ways to Make Money from Coding Online

Here are sixteen ways to make money online with your coding skills. (cha-ching)

1. Blogging

Now I know everyone and their mom tries to get you to start a blog. But hear me out!

If you're a programmer, you can always make money through a blog in the programming niche.

And there are many ways to monetize a blog as a programmer:

  • offering coding skills online
  • charging for premium content
  • earning through affiliate links

In the last few years, I've made over $250,000 from blogging and I know with an in-demand skill such as yours, you can start a blog and make money, too.

Quick tip for starting your programming blog:

Write SEO-friendly content with relevant keywords to rank your page in the search engines. Make sure you go for both on-page and off-page SEO optimization for the best results.

This will help with traffic to your site. And the more eyeballs on your site, the more potential clients and customers.

Second quick tip:

Create lead magnets where you can turn prospective readers into customers. Learn how to do that right here.

The coolest thing about starting a blog for cash? Low start-up costs.

Start your blog today for less than ten bucks, my friend. I recommend starting with an easy hosting provider like Bluehost. It's super easy to get started and you'll get a FREE domain name when you sign up.


Bluehost Price:

Only $2.95/month

Bluehost is the ultimate hosting platform that will allow you to start a blog or website in a matter of minutes. You'll get a FREE domain name when you sign up with my link It's never been easier to build a brand. START A BLOG

2. Freelancing

Freelancing. Not just for dirty hippies who don't want to get a job anymore.

The gig economy has seriously changed the game for lots of skilled workers, including you and your genius programming brain.

Just offer your programming services to clients online.

Check out a few freelancing platforms and find the one that works best for you. (see below)

The best by far for coding is TopTal. Freelancers earn an average of $60-$115 per hour working with some of the most reputable brands around the world.


TopTal Offer:


TopTal short for Top Talent is the best in breed place for freelancers to find jobs with some of the most reputable and top paying clients from around the world. In order to join, you'll need to showcase your valuable skills in order to get accepted. It's worth it as freelancers earn anywhere from $60-$115 per hour. Do you have what it takes? JOIN FREE

The coolest thing about freelance work is that you can create your own work schedule AND you have the freedom of working from anywhere.

As you take on more jobs and earn fan-tabulous reviews on freelancing platforms, you'll be able to raise your income levels…aka charge top dollar.

Some of the other best freelancing platforms include FlexJobs, Freelancer and Fiverr. On these sites, you have the opportunity to bid for different projects.

Check out FlexJobs to get freelance gigs right away.


FlexJobs Offer:

Top Freelance Gigs

FlexJobs is one of the most well-known freelance platforms out there. It's the ultimate platform to find work from home or remote jobs for any skill set, including transription, data entry, virtual assistant, programming and so much more. JOIN NOW

You can also find programming gigs through job boards and social media platforms such as ZipRecruiter. Pitching directly to clients that need a programmer on their team is an awesome way to find high-paying clients.

If you're ready to start freelancing, I'm ready to teach you, my friend.

Sign up for my Increase Your Income course where I'll go over the best places to freelance, top-paying jobs, and teach you the exact steps I took to start making over $5k/month. Use the form below to get started.

3. Develop Apps

Was there ever a time without apps?

Unfortunately for boomers, yes.

Fortunately for you and me, we've got lots of apps and they aren't going anywhere.

Take advantage of your programming skills by developing an app and monetizing it.

If you are familiar with Objective-C or Swift, you can create an essential iOS app in just a few hours. Then launch it on the App Store. After that, you can sell it to the public through different kinds of media.

If you've got a really good and marketable app idea, it's easy for you to make money by creating it yourself for free. Check out Upwork, Apache Cordova, Appcelerator, and more for awesome ideas.

Once you've developed your app, you can sell it on Flippa for cash through an auction process or a classified listing.

I've personally done this a few times. Flippa is great because it has the largest marketplace out there to buy and sell apps.

They seriously make it so easy to sell your app

4. Make A Plugin Or Theme For WordPress

Nearly 25% of all websites out there on the internet use WordPress. If you create useful WordPress plugins and themes, you can make some sweet cash.

WordPress plugins are in high demand, my friend. Seriously. This is a great way to make money to code online. You can do this by

  • developing mass apps for WordPress
  • developing small modules such as plugins and themes.

To monetize the plugin, you can make it premium and charge users directly… or you can make it free and earn through ads and donations.

5. Become An Online Educator And Sell Courses Online

The online education industry is HUGE. It's expected to reach 132 billion dollars by 2023.

Yes, billion. That's not a typo.

Take advantage of this. Lots of people want to learn how to code. Why shouldn't you be the one to teach them…online?

Create courses online using different learning management systems such as Udemy and Coursera. Then sell them to budding coders who want to learn.

The best way to reach potential customers is to create a blog (see above) and put up some free tutorials to build your authority and to build traffic. Then upsell them to your course.

If creating your own blog or platform isn't your thing, I've got you covered.

You can get paid to teach coding if you position yourself as a computer science instructor.

Here are a few places that hire online coding and computer science instructors:

  • universities
  • online coding tutoring platforms
  • coding bootcamps

You can also use these platforms and their existing students to teach coding and Python:

  • Udemy: Join now and get started making money with coding
  • Coursera: Join to get the best coding experience and make money from your learning
  • CodeAcademy: Learn and teach how to become a full-stack web developer

6. Join Coding Competitions

If you're like me, you prefer your competition to be on TV.

But aside from watching sports, I also like making money from doing stuff I'm good at.

I bet you do, too.

So I present to you coding contests, my new programmer friend!

Coding contests are a great way to get paid good money with your coding skills. Most contests offer substantial cash prizes to the winners.

Some of the most popular coding contests include Topcoder, CodeChef, HTML5Contest, and CallingAllInnovators…but there are definitely more out there.

There are 3 competition areas:

  • Design
  • Development
  • Data science

Top coders handle real-life problems for 2,000 global customers, competing in single-round tournaments where both skills and fun are emphasized.

Why not jump into a contest or two and try your luck?

Just like boxing, you get paid ($$$) for emerging victorious.

And aside from a sweet cash injection to your bank account, competitions like Topcoder offer online programs where networking is key.

So not only do you get to compete and win big…you get to learn from other top participants by seeing their code, AND you get to mingle with big companies searching for the top talent in coding.

It's basically like professional sports. Except less running and more typing.

7. Start A Personal Website

A personal website is like a giant billboard to show off your coding skills.

Your website design should be sleek enough to reflect your skills and identity. It's a way of branding yourself. You can also use it to share your portfolio as a coding expert.

On your website, share your wicked smart programming tips to showcase your authority in the niche. Create your own website with a blog section to share coding-related content to your website visitors.

Don't forget to reply to comments and answer visitor questions regularly. This kind of interaction makes you accessible in the coding circle. It also helps you gain trust, which will bring you income and clients.

Once you've established your personal brand, trust, and authority you'll have more clients to offer your online services, charging hourly rates…or better, big project rates.

With a website, you can also earn from Google Adsense, advertisements, sponsored ads, affiliate marketing and other monetization strategies.

You can get started for only $3.95/month with Bluehost.

8. Develop Games

With coding skills, you can develop games for cash. Game development can be seriously lucrative. Develop Android and iOS games and sell them.

You can use platforms such as Fupa, a great platform for selling your games online.

The FGL app management portal is also pretty sweet. It manages apps and makes them grow and succeed, so you can continue to make money developing games.

9. Become A Python Developer

While most people reading this might think this is a snake breeder type-a-thing, you and I both know a Python developer is one of the highest-paying jobs today.

For someone with expert Python knowledge, it's possible to make up to $100k per year as a developer.

Some of the jobs available include

  • building websites
  • implementing security and data protection procedures
  • optimizing data algorithms
  • solving data analytics challenges
  • creating reusable, efficient, and testable codes

Companies all over the world are searching for people with Python developing skills. Some of these companies include Randstad, lyft, ADP, and more.

So if this is you, what are you waiting for? Get out there and start earning!

See Related: Freelance Rate Calculator

10. Find A Job As A Product Manager

This is another lucrative job for people with coding skills.

A product manager in the field of coding involves

  • identifying a need in the marketplace
  • researching new features
  • showing why specific products ought to be developed.

Companies look for product managers with Python knowledge to come up with data that helps them in decision making.

Python skills help with automation, analysis, and reporting; therefore, a product manager can help the organization in analytics without hiring an additional expert.

Some of the companies recruiting product managers who possess Python skills include Snapchat and Crunchbase.

11. Become A Data Analyst

Python programming language is applied in machine learning and is used by data analysts.

Several companies, such as Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center as well as Bloomberg, are continually searching for AI and data analysts who possess Python expertise to help them sift through massive amounts of data.

Python libraries such as Scipy and Pandas come in handy when you want to accomplish such tasks.

See Related: How to Make Money with Machine Learning

12. Apply For Quantitative Analyst Jobs at a Bank

It's a digital age and we're living in a digital world.

That means some bank analysts are now required to know Python.

Banks want employees who can code so they can cut costs and increase their bottom dollar. If you are a coding expert, you can become a quantitative analyst for financial data.

You'll also make some pretty good money along the way.

See Related: Get Paid to Selfie? Make Money Selling Photos of Yourself

13. Engage in Data Journalism

People love stories. And if you can tell a good story backed by data and statistics?

It's a gold mine, my friend.

A coding expert with Python knowledge is in high demand. You can sort through vast amounts of data, analyze it, and visualize your findings.

In a world where news travels as fast as speech, it's no wonder we need more data journalists.

Some of the software libraries that work with Python include pandas, which you can use to sort and process information as well as identify trends; matplotlib, which helps create charts; and BeautifulSoup, which is meant for screen scraping.

(Side note: you can create a blog and tell those fact-based stories to the world, just so you know. Hint hint. Wink wink.)

14. Advertise In Business Directories

Sometimes you just gotta get back to basics.

List your profile as a java programmer or a PHP programmer in a business directory. Include your skills on your profile to get enquiries from clients for work.

Some directories to consider include Quickr, Indiamart, and Justdial.

15. Create A YouTube Channel

YouTube is where it's at!

First, it's only of the most visited websites in the entire world. Second, you can definitely earn some cash from a YouTube channel by growing your subscriber base.

Create videos showing people tips on coding, and be consistent. The more subscribers you have, the more views you'll get… and the more you will earn.

Find a YouTube partner program that will allow you to earn a percentage of the money generated from ads that run alongside your videos.

See Related : How to Become a Content Creator

16. Write And Sell An Ebook

You can also make a few bucks selling ebooks with coding tips. After writing your ebook, publish and sell it on social media, your website, or Amazon.

Publishing an ebook is easy, and you can take advantage of free publishing platforms such as Kindle Publishing…aka Amazon.

Conclusion on Getting Paid to Code Online

There are sooo many ways to make money online as a programmer. You can create a full-time income with any of these methods that help you get paid to code.

But I've got to be honest: just like in any other job, you need to put in some effort, figure out what you like, and make them work for you.

Good luck to all programmers who are trying to make some money online.

How are you making money online today as a programmer? Please let us know in the comments. We'd love to hear from you.

Related Resources

  • List of 19+ Companies that Buy Ideas
  • Best Freelance Business Ideas
  • How to Make $200 a Day

What is an online job?

Online jobs are remote work opportunities that can be conducted from home or anywhere in the world. Online jobs are location-flexible opportunities. They are often service-based, and if you're a programmer, there are tons of opportunities for you to work online!  Scroll to the top to check out my favorites.

Where can I actually find an online programming job?

It can be hard knowing what jobs are legit and what jobs aren't.

Start your search for an online job with job boards, on freelance websites, and in your own entrepreneurial ideas.

Here are my favorite places to start:

  • Start a blog with Bluehost to establish expertise and land high-paying clients.
  • Find people already searching for your skills on Fiverr.
  • Teach how to become a full stack web developer in Code Academy.

Can this actually make me money?

Oh yeah! I know people who make their entire income online. You'll likely need to find the right opportunity and develop your skillset.

Start small with something that you're already good at, and build from there.

With more experience and enough relationship building, you can transition to working full-time online.

How can I actually figure out what I should do?

Sign up for my free online course Increase Your Income. This is where I teach you exactly what I did (online!) to make $5k/month. I break it down into 5 days so you can figure out what your options are, what you want to do, and how to start.

Check it out here.

Get Paid To Learn Code Online


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